
At Axe Valley Academy, we consistently strive to maintain an environment in which behaviour is good and pupils can learn and feel safe.

Good behaviour in school is central to providing students with a good education. We therefore place a very high priority on creating a culture of excellent behaviour with high expectations that reflect the values of the school. We want every student to be able to learn in a calm, orderly, safe and supportive environment, free from disruption.

Students are explicitly taught what good behaviour looks like and this is positively reinforced through appropriate rewards, recognition and providing students with meaningful responsibilities. Where negative behaviour does occur it is firmly challenged with proportionate sanctions and an encouragement to learn and do better.

Underpinning the school’s approach to ensuring high standards of behaviour are the positive, respectful relationships that exist between staff and students, and amongst the students themselves. These relationships form the basis of the strong sense of community and belonging that is felt by all those that are part of the school.

At Axe Valley Academy we believe that:

  • Students behave well because of the positive ethos, climate for learning and excellent relationships between staff and students.

  • Respect has to be given in order to be received. Parents and carers, students and teachers all need to operate in a culture of mutual regard.

  • The quality of learning, teaching and behaviour are inseparable issues and the responsibility of all staff.

  • Consistency of approach and a collective responsibility for managing behaviour is likely to lead to high standards.

  • Positive rewards and the celebration of students’ achievement, hard work and participation play a key role in helping to reinforce a culture in which students want to try their best, join in and are supportive towards one another.

  • Poor behaviour cannot be tolerated as it is a denial of the right of students to learn and teachers to teach. To enable learning to take place preventative action is most effective, but where this fails the school has clear, firm and intelligent strategies in place to help students manage their behaviour.

  • Without excellent discipline, learning cannot take place. Students at Axe Valley feel they are treated fairly and justly. Thanks to our high expectations, it means that learning can flourish. Visit any classroom at Axe Valley and you will see hands sky high, eager to answer the teacher’s questions with student engagement at its very best.

  • Students at Axe Valley are polite and helpful, with a genuine interest in helping their peers. This can only happen in an environment that expects the very best of them.

  • Students should work hard and be kind. We value kindness at Axe Valley and expect the children to be kind. This involves encouraging children to be helpful to their classmates and then to be grateful to each other and to their families.

To find out more about Behaviour and Rewards at Axe Valley Academy, please read our Behaviour Policy which can be found on the website policies page.